Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Night and Day

The same stream that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. ~Rabindranath Tagore

This is a new venture -- double sided framed painting pendants. Please tell me your thoughts! This item is currently for sale in my Sacred Arts Etsy shop.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Begin With I

Find the change you can make and make it. You'll be funding your own revolution. ~Patti Digh

Monday, March 29, 2010


[W]e are all one step away from losing the stories of our lives. I write to remember...It is a strategy for learning. And for determining who and what we are--and who and what we yearn to be. ~Patti Digh, Life is a Verb

Without memories, we have no identity. As a child I could call to mind each and every sensory detail of an experience, and delighted in remembering the scenes of my life. But somewhere in my teens, the joy of remembering was replaced with anxiety and pain. So I began to knowingly forget the details of life. Looking back into the past, the moments of peace and happiness were pushed down by moments of anguish. Now to begin to reclaim my story and recover myself, I have to allow the images of goodness and celebration to grow through the cracks of despair in my mind.

Turning the past in my mind, I see the garden of beauty in life. I see the challenges and difficult experiences as roots to becoming all that I am meant to be...

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